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Ukraine Hilfe Ronnenberg

Ukraine Hilfe Ronnenberg

icon globeAdresse: Blumenstraße 4, 30952 Ronnenberg (Niedersachsen)
icon calculator Preis: 25,00
icon mobile Telefon: +494951096525
icon user Kontakt: Dietmar Purschke
icon mail Email: Dietmar Purschke per Email kontaktieren

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Ukraine Hilfe Ronnenberg

Ukraine-Hilfe Ronnenberg:

Free lessons for Ukranian child from the age of 4 years.

My wife is a nurse and a midwife.

We suport your child for reaching the German reading
ability within six weeks.

When you are registered by authority, you have the possibility
to educate and to teach your child by an strict working private tutor sucessfully.

Privatlehrer (private tutor)
Dietmar Purschke
Blumenstraße 4

30952 Ronnenberg

Telephone: 05109 - 6525

Call Purschke for best marks at school. Preparatory for
school-teaching and so on.

Fotos: Ukraine Hilfe Ronnenberg

Ukraine Hilfe Ronnenberg
Ukraine Hilfe Ronnenberg Baby & Kind
Ukraine Hilfe Ronnenberg

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